All Projects Built a Recreational Table at a Park Shikhar and his helpers built a table that can be used for seating, picnics and relaxation at a local park.
All Projects Restored Gazebo at Museum Dominick and his helpers completely restored a large gazebo by sanding, staining and adding new boards.
All Projects Created an Outdoor Gathering Area Caroline and her helpers created an outdoor gathering area for a church.
All Projects Built Picnic Tables Scott and his helpers built three picnic tables and gravel areas for a church and community park.
All Projects Picnic Shelter at Community Garden and Food Bank Costa organized the construction of a picnic shelter located at a community garden adjacent to a local food bank.
All Projects Built Game Table for Senior Center David and his helpers built an outdoor picnic table with an embedded chess board for a local senior center.
All Projects Created a Picnic Area at Church Richey and his helpers laid sand and paver bricks to create a picnic area for parishoners at Bethany Baptist Church.
All Projects Constructed Benches and Tables for a Park Zach and his team built two park benches and two picnic tables for a community park.
All Projects Picnic Benches for Veterans Andrew and his helpers built two handicapped-accessible picnic tables for a VA hospital.
All Projects Cleaned Campground and Restored Picnic Benches Logan and his helpers cleaned campgrounds and restored picnic benches in William S. Hart Park.