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Barn for Equestrian Therapy

Brian and his helpers built a four-stall horse barn to provide equestrian therapy for traumatized and disabled children.

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Concession Stand for High School

Caspin and his helpers constructed a concession stand for the Hoquiam High School Booster Club at the high school track and field.

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Built Church Prayer Garden

Jacob and his helpers built a prayer garden for his parish and grade school in honor of their 100th anniversary.


Tell Us About Your Project

Please tell us about your completed Eagle Scout Service Project using the form below.

What Makes a Good Project?

Before you do anything else, download the official Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (No. 512-927) at There you'll find a rundown for planning, fundraising, executing and documenting your Eagle project.

A good Eagle project should:

• Allow you to show planning, development and leadership skills.

• Benefit a religious institution, a school or your community. (It can't benefit Scouting, so a project at your council camp is out.)

• Be feasible. You'll need to show it's realistic for you to carry out.

• Address safety issues. What will you do to prevent injury? What happens if someone gets hurt?

Best of the Best Eagle Projects

The Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award recognizes outstanding Eagle projects at the council, regional and national levels.

Think your Eagle project stacks up? Get more information, find an application and see past winners at