All Projects Designed and Built a Soccer Shooting Wall Eric and his helpers designed and built a light weight, transportable and collapsible soccer shooting wall.
All Projects Built a Miniature “Happy Wheels” Cart Drake and his team built a mini “Happy Wheels” cart for Ronald McDonald House Charities in Ohio Valley.
All Projects Painted Inside of Donation Store Jared and his helpers painted the inside of a new, climate-controlled donation store.
All Projects Collected Old Bikes for Charity Chris and his helpers collected more than 250 bikes for people in Africa and South America.
All Projects Gaga Ball Pit for After-School Program Bijon and his helpers built a gaga ball pit for a charitable organization.
All Projects Storage Buildings for Donations Ethan and his helpers built two storage buildings to house donations for a local charity.
All Projects Back Patio and Shed for Respite House Ben and his helpers poured a cement slab and built a new outdoor water heater shed for the respite house’s patio.
All Projects Improvements at Local Food Shelf Aaron made improvements to the Northfield Township Food Pantry in Glenview, Ill.