All Projects Designed and Built Gravel Walking Path Liam and his helpers designed and constructed a gravel path connecting a church and a school.
All Projects Converted Closet Into an Office Angus and his helpers transformed a cluttered closet at an American Legion Post into a functional office.
All Projects Restored YMCA Sauna Landyn and his team completely redesigned and replaced the wood in a deteriorating sauna.
All Projects Built First Responders Tribute Gerritt and his helpers created a First Responders Tribute.
All Projects Held Bicycle Safety Rodeo and Refurbished Bicycles Anthony and his team organized two successful bicycle safety events.
All Projects Recreated Prayer Garden and Benches Lucas and his helpers completely revitalized the prayer garden in St. Stephen’s courtyard.
All Projects Created African-American Veterans Memorial Augustus and his helpers created an African-American Veterans Memorial in Woodland Cemetery.
All Projects Renovation of Homeless Women’s Shelter Vivian and her helpers restored two rooms at a homeless women’s shelter that lacked the funds to make the repairs.
All Projects Built an Educational Weather Station Akshay installed an outdoor weather station at an elementary school.
All Projects Create Stone Labyrinth for Church Andrew and his helpers created a large stone labyrinth out of salvaged paver stones.