Jonathan and his helpers organized a pajama drive for foster children. They worked diligently for two months and collected over 200 pajamas, which will be given to children who may have had to move into a foster home with little or no clothes.
“Nighttime can be scary especially in a new home, so I wanted to give them a new pajama for a good night’s sleep in hopes of a start towards rebuilding, healing and overcome the abuse or neglect they suffered,” Jonathan said.
— Jonathan, Troop 379, Palisades Park, NJ
Great job! Way to go! You always making a difference.
Thank you we appreciate all your hard work.
Thank you great job
My son did his Eagle project last year and it was 15 bat boxes made with good cedar and ideal living and posted by libraby for all to see and learn. I love this project because it takes scared a little kids and gives them thier new/fresh pj’s for a tempory house. Lets hope most of the kids end up getting adopted or at least with a family that will give them love/security/fostering and hope for the future.
I have been involved with our district advancement committee for 25 years and am always amazed with so of the ideas the scouts come up with. God bless them
Another idea would be to collect suitcases for foster kids so they don’t have to carry their belongings in a garbage bag.
Wonderful! Well done!