All Projects Created Comfort Kits for Parents of Pediatric Burn Patients Drawing on his own burn experience, Jackson and his helpers created comfort kits for parents of pediatric burn patients.
All Projects Building Coffins for Hospitals in El Salvador Joseph and his helpers built ten handmade coffins for infants and donated them to local hospitals.
All Projects Created Teen Library in Hospital Nathan and his helpers created a library for teens at a hospital.
All Projects Created Scout Law Scavenger Hunt at Pediatric Hospital Olivia and her helpers created a Scout Law scavenger hunt with healing stones for prizes at a pediatric hospital.
All Projects Duct Tape Flower Pens for Kids in the Hospital Nickolas and his helpers collected supplies to create duct tape flower pen kits for children at a hospital.
All Projects Wagons for Children at Hospital Nikolaus and his team gave two Radio Flyer wagons, equipped with IV poles to allow children at the local hospital to leave their hospital beds.
All Projects Pinewood Derby at Children’s Hospital Robbie and his helpers ran a Pinewood Derby for patients at Riley Children’s Hospital.