Justin Detwiler and his helpers assembled ‘hygiene kits,’ which are backpacks filled with items like deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and soap. He called for donations on local radio stations, which brought in truckloads of products.
One hygiene kit provides about a month’s supply of hygiene supply and is valued at around $20. Justin’s goal was to create at least 750 kits. With 60 volunteers who contributed 330 service hours, he created more than 950 kits, equaling nearly $20,000 in donations.
United Way of Treasure Valley distributed the hygiene kits to nearly 10 school districts around southwestern Idaho. From large school districts with thousands of students to small ones with only a few hundred, the hygiene kits helped students far and wide.
— Justin Detwiler, Troop 76, Boise, Idaho
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