Akshay collaborated with Condit Elementary, a local school in his community, to install an Educational Weather Station that students and teachers can use to observe and learn about weather conditions. The project aimed to increase weather awareness and understanding of how it’s measured among young students.
The Educational Weather Station is an outdoor setup featuring instruments like a thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, rain gauge, and wind vane, all mounted on wood panels with end posts. Each instrument has signage for easy identification, enabling students to actively record measurements for classwork and school projects.
Akshay and his helpers thoroughly researched and conceptualized the project, created detailed design specifications, obtained necessary approvals from the school administration, and raised approximately $1,000 in funding. He worked with manufacturers to source durable, outdoor-rated weather instruments and enlisted his troop volunteers to help install the station where it can be accessed by students, teachers, and community members even after school hours.
— Akshay, Troop 549, Bellaire, Tex.
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