All Projects Built an Educational Weather Station Akshay installed an outdoor weather station at an elementary school.
All Projects Installed and Stocked Little Free Libraries Addison and his helpers funded, designed, constructed, installed and stocked five Little Free registered libraries.
All Projects Painted a World Map Mural Ronan supervised the painting of a world map mural in the hallway of a school in the Bronx.
Adams Service Project of the Year Award Winners Built Exhibit to Honor Heroes of D-Day Christopher led a team that designed and constructed an educational exhibit about D-Day, the Normandy landings in World War II.
All Projects Built Exhibit at Nature Center Diego and his helpers built a wigwam, sign and tanning hide at the Hawthorn Hollow Nature Center.
All Projects Built Safety Town for Toddlers Jasper and his helpers painted and built materials for a permanent “town” play area.
All Projects Pavilion for Preschool Summer Camp Corban and his helpers built a shade pavilion at Manning State Forest.
All Projects Outdoor Pen for Turtles at Learning Center Theodore and his helpers built a outdoor pen for turtles at Wickiup Hill Learning Center.
All Projects Kiosk for California Department of Fish and Wildlife Jeremy and his helpers replaced a sign holder with an educational kiosk.