All Projects Restored YMCA Sauna Landyn and his team completely redesigned and replaced the wood in a deteriorating sauna.
All Projects Built Outdoor Classroom for Township Kevin and his helpers designed and built the Avon Township Outdoor Classroom to provide a free, low-maintenance outdoor space for community events and teaching.
All Projects Repaired Door at Community Center Bryson and his helpers repaired and replaced a door at the Mountaintown Community center.
All Projects Gaga Ball Pit for Italian Center Jordan and his helpers built a Gaga ball pit for a local community center.
All Projects Renovated Stairs at Community Garden Jared and his helpers replaced a set of unsafe and eroded stairs at a community garden.
All Projects Wheelchair-Accessible Gardening Tables for Community Garden Nathaniel and his helpers designed and built six wheelchair-accessible gardening tables at the local community garden.
All Projects Children’s Book Drive and Bookshelves Cameron and his helpers collected 4,800 children’s books through a community collection drive.